Here at BNZ Materials, we strive to provide the best quality refractories and high temperature insulation materials which are perfect for the linings of industrial furnace equipment and any equipment where insulation is needed.  In addition to being completely resistant to the thermal stress that other materials would buckle under, refractories are also known for being able to withstand the physical wear and also corrosion by other chemical elements.  They are more heat resistant than even some of the most heat resistant metals.  Heat resistant metals are utilized in some furnaces but the increase in refractories has led to a much better overall product for most businesses that utilize high temperature furnaces.

The fundamental characteristics of refractories include their ability to provide containment for furnaces at high temperatures while also offering a huge class of materials that include the previously mentioned characteristics and varying degrees.  There are many different conditions in which refractories are often used and many compositions have come into being over the course of the last few years in an attempt to adapt to the broad range of applications and uses in which refractories are required.

Typically, there are two types of refractory shapes that are often used.  These refractory shapes include bricks or fired shapes.  Typically, refractory linings are comprised of the number of different types of brick materials or other shapes.  There are also other materials, such as castables, ramming mixes, or a combination of different types of materials that are often used. In the end, many refractory products resemble a typical construction brick in final form. Refractories may be small, or geometric in shape, and provide some very flexible options for individuals that have very specific needs for their refractories.

Typical Uses

There are many typical uses of refractories in a wide range of different industries.  The steel industry in particular has a wide range of equipment and needs that require the use of refractory materials, many of which are produced here at BNZ Materials.  Some of the more common uses of refractory materials include;

The steel industry has a number of different uses for refractory materials.  These refractory materials include the oxygen converter, the ladle, the electric arc furnace, and the tundish, which is typically used for flow control within the steel industry.  Other industries also utilize many refractory materials, including the cement industry.  In the cement industry, the rotary kiln requires high quality refractory materials.  Additionally, the lime industry also uses refractory materials for their lime shaft kiln, as well as the glass industry for use within their glass tank.

This just goes to show how many different industries typically rely on the ongoing usage of refractory materials to produce their products, and ensure quality to their clients.  Here at BNZ Materials, we know how important it is that we recognize all of the different uses that our materials could possibly serve, and make sure that we offer straightforward and interesting solutions to clients that otherwise would have to go for more basic options.

Insulating Firebrick

Insulating firebrick provides a number of different applications with a high-quality refractory material.  Here at BNZ Materials, we manufacture a wide range of specialty industrial insulation for a wide range of different uses including petrochemical, electrical, steel, ovens, furnaces, and ceramics, across a wide range of different industries.  We pride ourselves on our ability to ensure that we are only providing the highest quality of materials to our clients, offering custom solutions for companies in need.  Over the course of the last few years, the use of insulated firebrick has become a widely used material for furnaces of all different kinds, and has quickly grown to become the most popular product that is offered by our brand.

Currently, we offer 10 different grades of insulated firebricks.  These grades are dependent upon a number of different factors, most notably temperatures ranging from 2000°F, all the way through 3200°F.  We only use the highest quality of raw materials, ensuring that we provide an excellent product to each and every client.  Ensuring that we provide the highest purity of insulated firebrick refractory enclaves, as well as other raw materials commonly used in the construction of industrial furnaces, we have been able to position ourselves as the premier company providing insulated firebrick in the United States.